Hello! I am Obadiah Jeffrey Dean Christianson. A humble servant of Christ. WELCOME...to Promise Land Ministry! I hold a bachelor degree in biblical theology and am working towards a doctorate. I support this Ministry and myself part time as an automotive technician as well as selling my art, pottery, and special order high quality hand built furniture. Every month I hit the means streets of Winnipeg Mb. I feed and cloth the poor...provide a $300 survival kit for those who need it....resources, but most of all...Real Love and Care to those the world has given up on! I dont give handouts! I will not support the broken life! If someone wants change, I give all I have to give. Time. Money. Ministering....whatever! YOU can Help with your gift and receive the Fine art piece of your choice. Your help Gives Life, spreads the Gospel and gives someone hope.

Promise Land Ministry

 Book of Luke chapter 10 33... But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine.

I dont care if they're "JUST " a drug addict sleeping in a bus shelter....


Our main goal is not only to teach the Word of the Lord but to lead people to Christ and show them why it is that every man & woman on earth needs to be forgiven of their sins of which is the reason Christ Jesus died on the Cross for all of mankind!


A visual search of God?

I spent thousands already on the best vidio software but i cant edit or narrarate this one...because it's not Mine!....so...disregard any solicating vulgar advertisements!....With that said...allow me to narrate in the written matter!

GOD, created the world and every living creature in it! There is simply Majesty in every living thing and being! HE adorns everything from ants gathering in the spring...flowers and fiields displaying thier beauty,to the greatest of all, Man, made in HIS image, created from the very dust of the earth! Take a good look at HIS Majesty! Take a look at yourself. To begin a new life in Christ, you have to first realise you are currently outside the realms of God Allmighty! To come to and know God you need Jesus the Christ! The prophesized Messiah! And I am here to help you...find and know Jesus ....the ONLY way to Salvation...Eternal Life...and be a Son of God Almighty! Selah

This Glorious world and breath taking creations of God Almighty are coming to an end...soon...because of the sin of man, from the beginning, listening to satan, that ancient serpent cast out of Heaven...who's mission always has been, to destroy what God has created and build his thrown above Him....and it will never be!